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Uso de flaccid paralysis en inglés
He then fell into a flaccidparalysis and stared straight ahead.
A total of 28 different serotypes of non-polio enteroviruses were detected from acute flaccidparalysis cases.
Less than 1% of all infected persons develop more severe neurologic illness including meningitis, encefalitis and flaccidparalysis.
The aim would have been to strike Monis in the head and cause " flaccidparalysis" or immediate death.
Stool specimens of patients with acute flaccidparalysis (AFP) and sewage samples collected from 60 environmental sites were tested.
In this case, a boy with complete avulsion of the left-side C6 root presented with flaccidparalysis of the left arm after birth.
Results: Fifteen of the 17 patients presented with varying degrees of lower limb weakness, and 8 experienced flaccidparalysis.
First human cases in the United States were in New York City where 59 persons were infected and had fever, meningitis, encephalitis and flaccidparalysis.
Acute flaccidparalysis -also known as acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) -is a rare illness in which certain muscles in the body become paralysed.
He was weaned from a respirator on day 23 after the onset of sepsis, but complete flaccidparalysis of the 4 extremities occurred.